We thought that today, being women's day, would be a good time to share our readings with you. In the world of education, women's voices are many. I would even dare say they outnumber men's. Their voices and their words, not always hearkened to, but so often unerring, have told us that education is something we should all have a say in, but children especially. At least that's how Maria Montessori saw things. An avant-garde educator who imagined a method that puts children back in the spotlight, where they deserve to be.
We've created short commentaries on books we consider essential in order to grasp what it means to educate. In each entry, you will find the book cover, basic information about the book, a quote from it and a short review. No more. For we believe that you will get the best out of a book not by listening to what people have to say about it, but by reading it yourself.