In April 2014, our small family (Diego, Diana and two-year-old Jara) is starting a journey that will allow us to discover educational experiences in which girls and boys guide their own learning by unleashing their curiosity (something known as “non-directive” education), and contact with nature.

Throughout this trip we shall be using the most sustainable means of transport we can find, and will use our folding bikes whenever feasible, given our time limitations. This way we will be travelling through at least four European countries (including Spain) and the United States.

We want to share our experience with as many people as possible, because we feel it should not be something anecdotal, but an incentive for public schools to incorporate pedagogies with a proven effect on learning (understood as a cognitive, emotional and social process), and which promote a curious and constructive attitude in adult life. If education doesn’t help people to be happy, to find their own way, it’s nothing more than indoctrination.

That’s the reason we need you too, so that you’ll help us to publicise these innovative ideas that seem to us as necessary as ever in order to achieve the school that every girl and boy deserves. Come with us on this journey and tell everyone about it…


For two years I have been looking at the world through the eyes of a mother, I believe I could never look at it any other way now. I´ve studied (that is, I´ve memorized) a great deal of stuff, but have learnt considerably less. I like to travel light, and if there´s something I´m gonna leave behind on this trip it´s bad moods.


I'm a professional learner, can you imagine a better job? In my free time I control airplanes, enjoy "baking bread" and do some other chores. I also enjoy reading my tree houses book or playing out-of-tune guitars. But most of my busy time I try to attend to my best teacher's classes: my two y.o. daughter is a blast!